Sunday, January 20, 2008

Clover's New Tricks

Clover is able to sit up by herself, kind of... When I sit her up she can hold herself up on her own usually but she is still pretty wobbly and topples over after a minute or two. But this is a big accomplishment. She is almost there and I'm so proud of her. Also last night while we were sleeping (yes, she sleeps in bed with us. I know everyone thinks it's bad but it works for us) she woke up and rolled over from her back to her tummy. I was so excited I woke Roger up to tell him. She is also talking a whole lot. She does this babbling screeching thing that is pretty funny. One more thing, she has also figured out how to stick out her tongue and blow raspberries with her mouth. It seems like she learns something new everyday. They grow up so fast don't they....


Carissa said...

Way to go Clover! Isn't that so fun to watch them learn new tricks....and don't worry about her sleeping in bed with you Bennett slept in our bed until he was 10 months. Sometimes you have to do whatever it takes to get sleep. Plus, it was fun to cuddle with him at night, babies are so snuggly!

Lori said...

Clovers cute in this outfit, what a cute little piggy! I sleep with my kids when they're babies, too! too many up and downs at night if you don't! Don't ever worry about what other people think of your parenting, they are only little once and you can't spoil a baby!and thxs for your comment on my vaccine post, don't get pressured into those, merek just had a recall in dec.07 on a children's vaccine, its not all about autism, those things can be unsafe for a lot of reasons.
did you notice in one of my blog pics, i'm wearing a hoodie that used to belong to you, i think nikki may have "barrowed" it from you and i may have "barrowed" it from nikki. its the gray nike hoodie in the traveling sleeper post. does it look familar?

Nikki said...

I slept with Madison to when she was a baby. I didn't with Tanner but he was next to me in his bassinet. I think I might of with him but he has never liked being by me when he sleeps-I think it is a guy thing they need there space. Cute Clover pictures!