Friday, January 8, 2010

Coupon Crazy

Spent $36 ............................Saved $58

I have officially decided that I am no longer going to stand for spending $400-500+ a month at the grocery store. I am going to take charge of my spending and I am starting a new way of shopping. Some like to call it crazy coupon shopping. I like to call it cha-ching saving! I have just barely started this process, only going 2 times so far. But, I am liking what I am seeing and have been doing really well. The basics of my scheme.... Buy on sale items, then use coupons and a few other little tricks to get rock bottom prices. Then stock up on your deals to create a stock pile of items to use for now and later. The 2 times that I have gone, shopping at Albertsons and Yokes (a Washington grocery chain) I have spent little and saved lots. Refer to my pictures to see all my items and my out of pocket $$ and then savings. You too can do this! It is hard at first, but oh so worth it when you see the $$$ your saving at the end

Spent $31........................Saved $67

Playing Dress-Up

Clover is really into dress up now. She is starting to play make believe and get an imagination. She has to wear her dress up clothes every day and even gets me to let her wear them out of the house sometimes. She is a character. She even got Daddy to join in on the fun once. Thank goodness I got a picture of this for blackmail purposes.

Let It Snow

It has snowed here a few times, stayed for a week or two, and then warmed up and melted. Even without the snow it has been really cold in Hermiston. We are finding out that this area gets on top of snow, freezing rain, sleet, and lots of ice. I didn't realize this when I moved her. But, I guess its nice to have seasons and weather from boring old Vegas where its sunny 300 days a year. So bring on the snow!